jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Last class

Hi my dear students!!!

Today we had our last class. It was a real pleasure to have you as students. I'm sure your careers will shine with your light, intelligence and warmth!!

And remember,,, all through our lives, we LEARN....

And well, there's one more thing to say....

Last... but not least!!


Hi there!!

I have a doubts as regards the group of Marisol, Sabrina and Natalia. I have read (and shared through the blog) their short story and their feedback for the other group's story. I don't have anything related to stage 3: the presentation on how to teach writing. Sabrina has posted a comment telling me about a shared document, but the shared document I have been invited to is the one with the feedback....

Have you forgotten to invite me/share with me the document on how to teach writing or have you not done it?

Please let me know...

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Andy's poster

Hi there!!

Here we have Andy's poster... what do you think about it?

I think it looks nice and it fouses on a very interesting part of this experience. Andy; check language in the poster.

Working collaboratively writing a story | Piktochart Infographic Editor

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


Hi there!!

Here I share the feedback Marisol, Natalia and Sabrina have prepared....

What do you think abour it Daiana, Andy and Analía? Please leave your comments below

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015



Here are the two videos I mentioned today in class....

Daniel Radcliff doing this impossible alphabet rap

And Chandler's intonation...

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

The other story and feedback...

Hi there!!

Here is the link to the other story:

The Last of Them

Marisol had already published the link as a comment, but in this way it is more "visible".

Remember there are two activities left:

  • Feddback from one group to the other (you can use any application you want, just make sure to share it. It can be Prezi, Google Drive or any other).
  • A presentation on how to teach writing to our students. Remember there is a page in this blog with detailes explanations about stages 2 and 3.
Bear in mind that everything should be ready for November 17th, because our last class is on the 19th and I need to be able to correct it before the class. Also, Andy, Daiana and Marisol should prepare a virtual poster (usind Piktochart or any other similar application) on the topic or you can make the poster as a "diary" of this virtual learning experience.

See you tomorrow!!

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015



Important: another change of plans! Sabrina, who was supposed to deliver her presentation, will be absent tomorrow. So please take your netbooks so we can work on stages 2 and 3 in class. If we have no wi fi, we can go somewhere else.

See you very soon!!

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

Let's keep working... just a few more weeks to go!!

Hi girls!!

The first stage is supposed to be over by now. The problem is that some of you did very little or nothing in the presentation.... I'll give you time unitl Thursday to finish the presentation about Reading and Writing. Remember to use the option of "comments" to interact with one another and agree on when it is ready. And let me know.

To work in the next stage, I asked you to get into two groups. Andy, Analía and Daiana have decided to work together, so the other group will be Natalia, Sabrina and Marisol. One of the things you have to do (remember to check the section Stages 2 and 3 for detailed instructions) is write a short story. I will create two Google docs for this purpose, but remember that this is just to make it easier for you to work in groups. The story should be "handed in" using one of the applications mentioned in the instructions.

Link for Daiana, Andy and Analía https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QgZawMKlVFUi03A7Gq-_iSKZQdOimqkKaqxS1C5_CSY/edit (You can also check your gmail accounts for the invitation)

Link for Marisol, Natalia and Sabrina  https://docs.google.com/document/d/18AHsIzFFnZe_6YU8rTbRkNCHHUuSqK67qYqg1Yhcx5Q/edit  (You can also check your gmail accounts for the invitation)

Remember to contact me about any doubts you may have.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015

More about the project

Hi again!!

Just a few lines to let you know that I have already added a new section in the blog with stages 2 and 3 of the project you'll be developing as term test evaluation.

Remember to read the previous entries for further information. We have one week per stage. So, the first stage should be ready for October 29th, the second stage for November 5th and the third stage for November 12th.

Contact me about any doubts you may have.

sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

Hi again!!


Here there is some more information to take into account... (please also read the information published on  October 22nd)

I've already created the Google doc for you to make the presentation... the link is this


but so far I have only been able to invite Daiana and Marisol to edit the document (check your gmail account girls and you'll find the invitation to edit). I need the other gmail accounts (Andy, Analía, Sabrina and Natalia). Remember all this is part of the term evaluation.

Also, we only have a few classes left and some more presentations to go....

  • Sabrina November5th
  • Daiana November 12th
  • Marisol November 12th 
If we need to use part of our last class, November 19th, to finish with the presentations, we can do it. Just remember your presentation must not be longer than 90 minutes. Apart from the presentations, there are some other activities we must do.

And please do not hesitate to contact me about any doubts or queries....

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015



First of all, and I hope you get the information on time, there are no classes today. The Institute will be closed because of the death of a student.

Second, I need you to start working on a series of assignments that will be used as your term evaluation (there will be no term test, but I need you to follow the instructions I'll give you and work responsibly).

The assignment is all part of a project  called "From reading to writing, an intercultural experience". It is divided into 3 stages.

Stage 1 (it should be ready for October 30th)

Watch the following videos:

After watching the videos, read the following stories:

-Otra historia corta por Nadine Gordimer http://www.vqronline.org/fiction/second-sense
-Capítulo de “Sebastian’s pride” de Susan Wilkinson http://www.irlandeses.org/0811wilkinson4.htm
-Historia corta en inglés por Gabriel García Marquez http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1976/09/27/the-autumn-of-the-patriarch

And, I need you to write below (as a comment) your gmail account, so I can invite you all to write in a Google document so that you all make a colaborative presentation (that means you all work together to make one presentaion, but with this application you don't need to get together or to work at the same time) explaining the following:

  • What do you think are the characteristics of a good story/of good story telling?
  • What are the parts a story is divided into?
  • What advice do you have to write effectively?
  • What examples of literary devices can you give?
  •  What devices does a writer have to provide subtle information about his/her cultural background?
  • What is codemeshing?
Here I include some links you can consult:

-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxDwieKpawg (conferencia TED sobre Contar Cuentos)
-https://interculturalstorytelling.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/the-power-of-storytelling.pdf (artículo sobre El Poder de Contar Cuentos Interculturalmente)
-http://www.openculture.com/2012/01/writing_rules.html (consejos para escribir por autores reconocidos)
-http://literarydevices.net/ (sitio sobre recursos literarios)
-http://literary-devices.com/ (sitio sobre recursos literarios)
-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_narrative_techniques (explicación clara y completa de recursos narrativos)
-http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Short-Story (artículo sobre cómo escribir una historia)

Please keep checking the blog. I will soon publish the other two stages. For those stages I need you to get in pairs (or a pair and a group of three) and let me know who will be working with whom).

Let's be in touch!!!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Important about next class!!


As I had already anticipated to you, on Thursday I'll be absent. So, Sabrina will deliver her presentation on Thursday 22nd.

Take care and see you soon!!

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Andrea's presentation

Hi there!!

Yesterday Andrea delivered her presentation on Teaching Strategies (direct and indirect)... It was a very interesting presentation in which she combined the use of several different resources: a powerpoint presentation, a prezi presentation, videos, and many activities... Well done Andrea!!

Next class we have Natalia's presentation on Mistakes and Feedback. Remember you are supposed to read the material on the topic, so you can follow the presenter better and so you can clear any doubts you may have.

Also, remember to read the guidelines for the presentations I posted in the blog.

And one last thing. remember to update your blogs weekly!!

All of these are requirements to promote the subject without a final exam! You must read for every class, you must come to class and be there on time, you must hand in assignments on time, etc...


viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

Yesterday's class

Hi there!!

Yesterday we had an interesting class on a fascinating topic: we dealt with learning styles and personality factors. We tried a couple of quizzes to determine your learning styles, we analyzed characteristics of hemispheric dominance, we worked on the questionnaire about Cook's chapter 8...

Next class we'll start with the presentations. It is Andrea's turn. She'll be presenting on strategies and teaching vocabulary, so please read the bibliography on those topics. You'll have the possibility to clear any doubts when Andrea finishes.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Yesterday's class


Yesterday we had a very short class because then there was a celebration for Teachers' Day...

We finished dealing with SLA and we started focusing on Learning Styles. Remember I gave you an activity to do on Cook's chapter 8.

Also, we organized the presentations... remember the dates are "likely dates"...

  • 1/10 Teaching Strategies and Vocabulary - Andrea (Oxford chapters 3 and 5, Cook chapter 3, Ur chapters 3 and 5)
  • 8/10 Mistakes and Feedback - Natalia (Brown chapter 8, Ur chapter 17)
  • 15/10 Teaching Receptive Skills - Sabrina (Cook chapter 7, Ur chapters 8 and 10)
  • 22/10 Teaching Productive Skills - Daiana (Cook, chaper 5, Ur chapters 9 and 11)
  • 29/10 Teaching Pronunciation - Marisol (Cook chapter 5)

  1. the presentations should be between 90 and 120 minutes long.
  2. you must use visual aids (usins TIC devices is highly recommended)
  3. you must present some theory and you must prepare practice for your classmates.
  4. you don't need to explain all the theory from the chapters mentioned above; your classmates also have the material, and they must read it.
  5. it's highly advisable to consult other sources
  6. make your class/presentation interesting, lively, entertaining and memorable... do not just read from your slides...
  7. let me know about any doubts you have... in advance!

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Today's class

Hi again!!

Today we had a new class. We went over key concepts of FLA and we continued discussing SLA. As we did not finish, we are going to use the first twenty minutes of next class to finish dealing with the Innatist Model, two Coginitive Models and a Sociocultural Model.

Also, for next class you have to read about Learning Styles and Personality Factors (Brown chapters 5 and 6 and Cook chapter 8).

Remember it's important to catch up with work, and to attend classes... some of you still have the possibility to promote but for that to happen you must come to class and hand in assignments on time.

Today we already made plans for the first presentation. It will be delivered on October 1st by Andrea and it will be on Teaching Strategies and Teaching Vocabulary. Next class we will finish organizing presentations.... you have to decide whether you want to do it alone or in pairs. The topics to choose from are:
  • Teaching Pronunciation
  • Teaching Receptive Skills
  • Teaching Productive Skills
  • Evaluation
  • Mistakes and Feedback
Finally, I wanted to share two links we mentioned today: one for the specialization on TIC http://postitulo.educacion.gob.ar/ and the other for a very interesting text on Teaching http://cedoc.infd.edu.ar/upload/Didactica_general.pdf

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Something to share....

Hello again!!

This time I'm writing to share a movie that is intensely moving....Apart from enjoying all the emotions, try to reflect on what it might have to do with us teachers...

Let's get back to work!!


      Yesterday we had another class. We talked a lot about First Language Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition. We reflected on the similarities and differences of both processes, and we brainstormed factors that need to be taken into account when studying SLA.

      For next class, you have to read the new chapter I gave you on SLA (the one by Cook), and if you have time, re read the one you already read for yesterday. Next class each one of you will get a specific aspect of this topic to explain to the rest of the group....

      Also, don't forget to work on the assignment on FLA I gave you before the winter holidays. It's important to highlight that, in order to promote the subject without final exam, you need to hand in assignments on time, apart from getting 7 (seven) or more in each task (term tests, presentations, and each task you do during the year). Moreover, you need to read the material for each class, and you have to participate. Let me say it in other words: you have to prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you understand each topic we deal with and that you are committed to the subject. I know you are already tired at this time of the year, but it's one last effort before you can relax once and for all!!!!!

      Next class we will discuss the topics and likely dates of the presentations for this second part of the year. We will also specify requirements on the use of the blogs that you have created, since some of you frequently post material and others tend to forget about it....

      Well, now I bid farewell until next Thursday, saying...

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Back from the holidays!

Hi there, my dear students!!

Today we had a new class... a very small class!! Natalia could finally sit for the term test and Andrea worked wonderfully well on FLA.

Next class we'll start dealing with Second Language Acquisition.... so the homework is:

  • have the assignment on FLA (the one I asked for before the winter break) ready to hand in
  • publish something (related to our subject, of course, but anything you want: a video, an article, etc) in your blog
  • read chapter 10 by Brown on SLA

lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

FLA and holidays!!


We have finally started dealing with First Language Acquisition. Last class we discussed the most important aspects of the Nativist Position: we went over concepts such as Language Acquisition Device, Universal Grammar, Principles and Parameters, the Poverty of the Stimulus Argument, States of the Language Faculty, etc.

What I want you to do during the holidays is:

  • write an essay on FLA... here I'll write some questions that you can use to trigger your brainstorming:
  1. What do you think about Chomsky's account of Language Acquisition? What are, in your opinion, its main strengths? Do you think it has any weaknesses?  
  2. Do you find the study of FLA interesting? How so?
  3. What do you think are the questions that any theory of FLA should answer?
  4. Does the "innateness" hypothesis find any kind of support from the example of people born blind, deaf and/or dumb? (remember the book I recommended "The Story of my Life", by Hellen Keller)
  5. In what ways are learning to speak and learning ot read/write different?
  6. How do "walking" and "speaking"compare?
  7. What would you regard as conclusive evidence that a child has uttered his/her first word?
  8. Can you describe 2 noticeable features of caretaker speech? How is this relevant to explain FLA?

Remember these varied questions are not a guide to be answered. Rather, they are a reminder of how complex the topic is. Make sure to re read the material from the bunch, do some research of your own and, especially, do some thinking of your own. Then, and only then, start working on your essay. 

  • rest, relax and enjoy your holidays!!

sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

Well done!!

Girls, those of you who took the test have done really well!! The scores go from 8 to 10!!

viernes, 26 de junio de 2015

Hi there!


Yesterday we had our term test.... or some of us did, since there were some complications... Natalia: I hope you get better soon! Hector: I'm happy for your you! Analía: don't worry, we'll find a way; after all, when there's a wish there's a way! I'll send you your home term test today. And Sabrina... we are worried about you... we haven't heard from you in several weeks!! Please get in touch with me!

As for those who took the test, I'll let you know as soon as I have the results!

Remember for next class (possibly on July 16th, since I'm likely to be absent on the 2nd and the 9th is a holiday) you have to read the two chapters in the bunch on First Language Acquisition: Baby born talking describes Heaven, by Steven Pinker (ch9) and General concepts of language acquisition, by Cook (ch3).

Well, we'll be in touch!!

jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Today's class


Tonight we had our last class before the tem test. We dealt with chapters 3, 5 and 6 of TBLT.

Remember to study everything we have dealt with so far for the test. Also, be on the alert for news on a possible strike for next Thursday, and check the blog for news. Finally, several of you have to catch up with your homework... please do so soon.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

Class June 11th


Last Thursday we had two presentations:

Andy showed us how she works with Literature and Technology in her classes. She even gave us a CD with material to use in our classes! Thanks Andy!!

Analía dealt with bullying... she shared information, such as definitions and statistics, and her experience to try to understand this phenomenon and learn how to prevent it and deal with it. She showed us some very moving videos... here's one of them....

The topic is so appealing and relevant to all of us, that the homework for next class is related to it: for next class you have to share a film, film scene or sitcom episode related to bullying...

Here I share a movie I love, with Hugh Grant (whom I love) in which the issue of bullying is dealt with:

Then we started playing a game on chapter 3, which we will finish next class...

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Feedback on blogs...

Hello my dear students!!

I've spent a few hours visiting your blogs.... it's been fun!!

Some of you are keeping your blogs updated and frequently publish very interesting material... well done!!

Others just have one or two entries so far, so you need to become more active bloggers... come on! You can do it!

So far only two people have published the reflection you have to write... They are both very interesting so I recommend that those of you who still have to work on this read Daiana's and Marisol's words.

Now, I'll include a list of sentences from your blogs that need to be corrected. What I want you to do is to publish as comments the corrections you can make...

  1. ·      Technology shortens our students span...
  2. ·         We have to provide them with plenty opportunities to interact with each other.
  3. ·        ....I put in practice with a beginner level.
  4. ·         Argentinian speakers find very difficult to deal with some specific particles.
  5. ·         ....these combination of sounds do not exist in Spanish
  6. ·         It's really interesting starting the lesson ...
  7. ·         If you have watched any of her videos you would probably be interested in buying one of her books.
  8. ·         I don't know where it would take me....
  9. ·       ....  teenagers who are building their identity sorrounded by technology impact
  10. ·         Students' misbehaviour and lack of respect are relevant issues that cannot be avoided in any sense (meaning)
  11. ·         Every group is different as well as each individual is different...

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015



Yesterday we had a class with two presentations:

  • Natalia delivered a presentation on how to deal with misbehaving students. It was a very interesting and appealing topic... most of us felt we had something to say on it, some anecdotes to share, some concerns to comment on. Congrats Natalia for picking such a relevant topic!
  • Sabrina, on the other hand, made us work, relax and get in touch with our creative side. She discussed and illustrated how to work with Music... she chose a very meaningful song and a visually poetic video. And then she invited us to use drawing as a communicative skill... Well done, Sabrina!
As we discussed yesterday, due to the presentations we are behind with our syllabus. But I believe it is worthwhile... you all have valuable and enriching ideas to share. Besides, don't worry: we'll catch up soon enough!

Rememeber for next class you have to re read chapters 3, 5 and 6 on TBLT. And... you have to write and post in your blog a reflection on the challenges of teaching this new generation (with the new technologies, with the new educational policies, with the social situation around us...)

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Do you miss me?


It's a pity we did not get together last Thursday... I did not let you know in advance what it was going to be like because we teachers did not know .... supposedly we were going to work together in our classroom...


Next Thursday we'll have two presentations (the one due last Thursday and the one due next Thursday). Then we'll work on TBLT. Make sure the presentations are not longer than 4o minutes each.

Also, I've been checking your blogs (I haven't finished yet...) and I can see that some of you have already embedded the Voki and others havent' done it yet. Please do it soon. Besides, there seems to be a problem with the website Sabrina shared... I can't see the blog. So, Sabrina, if you read this, please check and share with us the correct address.

Moreover, some of you have been posting things in your blogs... well done!!! Others haven't. Please start sharing materials... links, images, videos, etc...

And don't forget to do the two reflection tasks (the one with two tasks and macrofunctions and the six-step sequence for a final task.

Finally, here I share some links that Marisol and Cecilia recommended in their presentations:













viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015


Hello, hello!!

Yesterday we got together once again, and enjoyed a lovely presentation by Cecilia. She made us work and play and she shared useful and entertaining activities... Congrats!!

Then we finished dealing with chapter 1, TBLT and we almost finished discussing chapter 2. We still have to deal with the seven principles....

For next class you have to:

  • Read (or re-read chapter3, TBLT)
  • Do the reflection task on page 31 
  • Do the reflection task on page 35
Also, let me tell you the result of the poll on the term test date.... the test will be on... ta-tan-ta-tan....
June 25th!!

And one more thing: pay attention for any news on next Thursday (there might be one of these special teacher meetings, in which case classes will be cancelled)...

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2015

Sixth class

Hi there, all of you!

Today we had a very nice presentation from Marisol on how films can help you to teach and learn English. The presentation included three very well chosen videos... Well done, Sunshine!

Then, we finished checking the work on Teaching and Learning Styles. And afterwards, students divided into two groups (according to their birthdays) and worked on chapter 1 TBLT.

For next class you should:

  • read chapters 2 and 3 on TBLT
  • make a Voki and post it in your blogs (click here)
  • catch up with your homework if you have to...
  • And... vote (by posting a comment below) on which date you prefer for the term test. The options are June 18th, June 25th or July 16th
Finally, especial congrats to Analía for her sweet and exciting news!!!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Blogging bloggers

Hi there!!

Today we had a lovely class at Hector's lovely place!!

First, Daiana delivered her interesting presentation on "warm ups and close ups". Then, over coffee, mate and sweet treats, we discussed how to create a blog.

For next class, you have to:

  • Do previous homework (write a comment on your results of the survey about teaching styles, finish questionnaire on teaching and learning styles and read chapter 1 on TBLT)
  • Read chapter 2 on TBLT
  • Create your own blog and send me by mail the address (or publish it under this entry as a comment)
  • In your blog, publish its first entry (a welcome message)
Here I send you a picture of where you'll find the way to make other pages, apart from the main page, appear in your blog (go to "design", "add gadget" and from the gadgets choose the one shown below)

Have a fantastic weekend!!

jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Fourth class

Hi there!!

Today we've had our fourth class. We started with Hector's presentation on how he teaches pronunciation in primary school. Very interesting work Hector!

Then we worked on the questionnaire on teaching and learning styles.

For next class you have to:

  • create a gmail account (if you don't already have one)
  • do the quiz on teaching styles on page 236, chapter 13 (the chapter you had to read for today). Then post a comment in the blog with a reflection on the result you got in the quiz.
  • read chapter 1 on TBLT, by David Nunan
And remember: next Thursday we'll meet at 6 pm, at Hector's place, Colón 815, 1°E. Bring your netbooks!!

Have a great weekend and, in particular, 

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Third class

Hi there!!

Today we've had our third class.

We worked on:

  • The properties of Language (Can you name them? Test yourself...)
  • Popular Methodology: we discussed the characteristics, weaknesses and contributions of Audiolingualism, PPP and its variations, CLT, TBLT, four methods, and Humanistic teaching).
For next class, read (or re read) chapter 13 by Cook....

And next class, we have the first presentation... I'm really looking forward to it!

jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

Our second class...

Hi again!!

Today we had our second class. We discussed different definitions of Language, Learning and Teaching. Afterwards, we revised the hierarchy of Methodology, Approach, Method, Procedure and Technique. And, last but not least, you started to work in groups (arranged according to each one's favorite colour) on a copy on Popular Methods.

Next class we'll continue working on this....

For next class you have to read:

  • the syllabus
  • chapter 3 by Yule on The properties of Language
  • chapter 13 by Cook on Second Language Learning and Teaching Styles
We also organised the presentations... the dates are as follows:

  • April 30th Hector, the Brave
  • May 7th Daiana
  • May 14th Marisol
  • May 21st Cecilia
  • May 28th the A duet, Andrea and Analía
  • June 4th Sabrina
  • June 11th, last but not least, Natalia
Please make sure that you got the dates right.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

(Source: http://www.sodahead.com/fun/happy-weekend-my-friends/question-4506437/)

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015


Hello, hello!!!

Today we've had our first class... it was really great! I hope you have all felt as comfortable as I did! It's been a pleasure to meet you...

And it's great to see you again...

Have a great weekend!! And remember... do your homework! Or don't do your homework! (you know who you are... )

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Please, fill this in!

Hi there!

This questionnaire will enable us to work on a new project, please follow the link and complete.... Thanks!!

Citizenship interview

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Welcome to 4th year 2015!!

Hello, hello!!

In exactly one week we'll be meeting for the first time this year... looking forward to it? I hope so!!

This year we'll be sharing material through this blog, and... you'll be working on your own blog!!

If you happen to read this before classes start, the material for the year is already available at Milgraff.
